Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Kitchen Cookbook: Mind Meister (Mind Mapping)

My Kitchen Cookbook: Mind Meister (Mind Mapping)   This is a useful tool of a bunch of different web tools that I use often, the links are imbedded in the mindmap so any tool you would like to know more about just click to travel to the home page.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Eggs are Good for You: High Cholesterol Myth or Reality?

Eggs have been getting bad press because many beleive that eggs are not healthy because of their high cholesterol content. Researchers in Canada are reporting evidence that eggs may reduce another heart disease risk factor — high blood pressure.
Farm fresh organic eggs are high in Omega 3, have the good cholesterol and a new study shows they can reduce blood pressure

But there are still far too many people throwing away the best part of the egg, the yolk. Now, look at this: Eggs may reduce blood pressure

Spring Free Ranging

on a spring morning in michigan temperatures are cool, the sun is shining and the, cage free, free ranging,organic chickens,are happy to be out of the chickencoop. Scratching in the dirt, breathing fresh air outside, which makes for happy healthy poultry and lots of organic eggs
Happy Chickens on a warm Michigan spring morning. The sun is out, temperature is cool, snow is melting and we can finally see the yard.  The girls are very happy to be outside out of the chicken coop running around, scratching in the dirt, breathing in the fresh spring air. HAPPY Chickens.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Live Strong

Eggs can be a good source of protein, an easy last-minute or early morning meal and a key ingredient in plenty of baked goods. Eggs are also one place where buying organic can make a big difference. If you're trying to improve your diet and eat more responsibly, make the switch from commercially produced eggs and reap the benefits of organic eggs. It's an easy way to make your kitchen a healthier place in the new year.

More Nutrients

Pasture-raised organic hens produce eggs that have 2/3 more vitamin A, three times more vitamin E, seven times more beta carotene and twice the omega-3 fatty acids compared to commercially produced eggs, according to a study conducted by "Mother Earth News" and reported in the October/November 2007 issue. Make the switch to organic eggs, and you could more than double the nutritional value you get when you eat an egg.

Less Cholesterol

Eggs are little protein powerhouses that tend to get a bad rap because they're high in cholesterol, but organic eggs tend to have 1/3 less cholesterol than commercially raised eggs, according to "Mother Earth News," making them a healthier choice. Even better: Organic eggs have 1/4 less saturated fat than commercially raised eggs, according to the "Mother Earth News" study. Reducing the amount of cholesterol and saturated fat in your everyday diet can decrease your risk of cardiovascular problems, including heart disease.

Fewer Toxins

Eggs that come from chickens who've been fed organic food are less likely to have pesticide residue than commercially produced eggs. Trace amounts of pesticides can be particularly hazardous for children and pregnant women, so if you're feeding people in those two categories, organic eggs may be a good choice. Eggs from organic chickens also come without added hormones or antibiotics, which some commercial farmers may use to treat poultry to increase their production.

Read more:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Randay Burkey Company Sale and free shipping on traditional Poultry products

Randall Burkey Company Free Shipping

For the next 3 days until March 25 Randall Burkey is offering free shipping on your order. Randall Burkey is a great source for chicken supplies at reasonable prices. Their specials are always worth ordering! I am always completely satisfied with the products I order and the prices are very competitive.

Right now they have sales on chick starters: Naturewise chick starter grower,